Sculpt Your Body with
Liposuction and VASER
At Advanced Aesthetics, Pune
Advanced Aesthetics

Liposuction and vaser


Refine and emphasize muscle appearance, easy removal of large amounts of stored fats with Liposuction and Vaser.


Liposuction surgery removes excess fat permanently and safely

Liposuction is a procedure where excess fat cells are removed by suction. Technical advances over the last few decades have enabled removal of excess deposits of localized or generalized fat. Liposuction works best for people who have lipodystrophy, that means developmentally you have excess fat cells in a particular area. So, in liposuction, you suction those areas out, remove the fat cells there and you equalize the fat cells so that your figure is harmonious. This improves your body contours and proportions, and ultimately your self- image.

Liposuction is, essentially, suction of lipid or fat below the skin through small incisions using a cannula and a suction device.
  • SAL – Suction Assisted Lipoplasty

    is the traditional method where saline is used in a tumescent or super-wet technique for infiltration prior to suctioning. Adrenaline is frequently added to reduce bleeding.
  • PAL – Power Assisted Liposuction 

    is a method in which an electrically or pneumatically oscillating cannula helps in liposuction.
  • UAL – Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction 

    uses ultrasonic energy to liquefy excess fat prior to suctioning.
These techniques may be used to reduce localized fat deposits on the cheeks, chin, neck, upper arms, breast and chest area, back, abdomen and waist, hips and buttocks, thighs, inner calves, and ankles.

Dr. Ashish talks about the liposuction procedure and the cost involved in liposuction

At Aesthetics Medispa our expert Liposuction surgeons over time have refined the technique of Liposuction to include Power Assisted Liposuction and VASER and are able to give you a shredded or muscular figure.

VASER gives your body a fit and sculpted look

High Definition liposuction

is an extension of liposuction procedure which is now possible since the advent of VASER. With VASER, you can do liposuction with a particular method which defines your muscles, enhances the appearance of your muscles and makes sure you look fit and muscular. This is the new development we have at Aesthetics Medispa which is used for better high definition sculpturing. With the help of high definition liposuction (VASER), you can have your chest, shoulders, arms, and abdomen sculpted as well have 6 packs.

4D Liposuction VASER
4D Liposuction VASER

Know more about VASER and high definition body sculpting from Dr. Ashish

At Aesthetics Medispa our expert Liposuction surgeons over time have refined the technique of Liposuction to include Power Assisted Liposuction and VASER and are able to give you a shredded or muscular figure.

Lose excess fat in one day!
Liposuction Surgery removes excess fat permanently and safely.
Our expert liposuction surgeons have refined the technique of Liposuction to include Power Assisted Liposuction and VASER for better sculpturing.
If you wish to lose excess fat permanently and want to have a shredded, fit or muscular figure then Liposuction or VASER are options worth considering.
What can the Liposuction procedures do for me?


can significantly reshape body contours where excess fat deposits create areas that are disproportionately large in an otherwise balanced figure.


allows for more thorough removal of fat and better sculpturing. There are also reports of excellent skin tightening after fat removal, which allows for better re-draping of the skin.

Who are the ideal candidates for Liposuction and VASER?

For liposuction, adults of any age within thirty percent of their ideal weight, and with firm elastic skin and good muscle tone are ideal candidates.

Only fit males or females with excess fat either in localized or generalized areas can have VASER. It works best in those who, despite a good diet and exercise regime, cannot shift the fat.

What will Liposuction the result and outlook be?

Since our body do not form new fat cells after puberty, once the fat cells are removed they are gone forever.

Are the changes significant?

Yes the fat cells are permanently removed. As long as you maintain your weight with good diet and exercise your results will maintain and improve further.

What to expect after the Liposuction surgery?

Initial healing will include swelling numbness soreness, bruising and discomfort. A combination of Paracetamol and Ibuprofen can take care of most of the discomfort.

What is the post operative care?

You will be asked to wear a tight compression garment continuously for approximately six weeks. This helps the skin to adhere to underlying structures and the skin to retract. Temporary drains to remove excess fluid may be removed in two days. Dressings will be removed few days after surgery. Once the wounds have healed you will be encouraged to have the suctioned area massaged. This helps to reduce the post operative swelling quickly.

What is the duration of Vaser procedure?

The duration of VASER liposuction could take slightly longer than Standard SAL as some time is first spent in VASERING the fat. However, this extra time spent is compensated by quicker aspiration of fat. As more and more fat comes out easily, more time is spent in sculpturing.

What is the cost of the Liposuction procedures?

The cost of liposuction would vary according to the areas we are suctioning and also the technology that we are using. If it is just a Suction Assisted Liposuction the cost is Rs 30,000 per zone. For Power Assisted Liposuction it could be around Rs 35,000 per zone, for VASER it could be Rs. 40,000 per zone and VASER with PAL is Rs. 45,000 per zone. Zone or area could be the upper abdomen, lower abdomen, the flanks, lower back (both sides), hips, buttocks or thighs. It is better to have liposuction zone wise so that proper costing can be done. The cost of VASER liposuction procedure depends on the number of regions and the amount of fat that needs to be liposuctioned. The cost is same as liposuction but you may have an extra charge.  Cost of etching for hi definition is Rs. 25,000 for chest/abdomen/back/arms. 4D with fat grafting is Rs. 40,000 for chest/buttock/shoulders. Cost may vary if BMI is very high. Cost of compression garment and GST is extra. For a precise quote please email your photos in front and side views along with height, weight and age details. 

Are these Liposuction procedures painful?

Liposuction is not a painful procedure. VASER too leaves you numb after surgery. However, once swelling/ edema sets in, there is discomfort on movement. The swelling shifts and hence hurts. Usually, oral painkillers are adequate to control this discomfort. It rapidly subsides in a week or two.

Where do I begin?

A consultation with your Liposuction Surgeons at Aesthetics Medispa is the first step to learn how surgery can improve the appearance of your body. This consultation will fully educate you in a non-pressured environment and will include a discussion of your goals, options available for liposuction surgery, likely outcomes, potential risks and complications.

Are laboratory examinations required for this surgery?

Blood test & other investigations for fitness will be conducted along with pre-op anesthetic assessment, after which your surgery date will be fixed.

Liposuction Procedure

Liposuction can be performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. A saline, anesthetic and adrenaline mixture is infiltrated first to assist the liposuction and to reduce the bleeding. Small skin incisions are made for insertion of liposuction cannulas. Either a syringe suction device or a machine suction is used to evacuate the fat.

Only the fat underneath the skin can be removed in this way. Some of the fat removed can also be used for fat grafting in depressed areas. Once the required amount of fat is removed, the incision sites are closed with single stitches.

Is Vaser better than PAL or SAL?

Although liposuction results may not vary much with each procedure, there are certain advantages to VASER:

  • It removes more fat from the area.
  • It removes the fat faster.
  • There is considerable reduction in blood loss.
  • There is more skin tightening after VASER.

The final outcome from VASER or SAL or PAL is technician dependent and thus depends on the skill and expertise of the Surgeon.

Are there any risks and complications involved in the Liposuction surgery?

Liposuction is a relatively safe procedure in well-trained hands. Possible risks include uneven contours, rippling, loose skin, skin or nerve damage, irregular pigmentation, infection, and blood clots. All surgeries carry risks associated with anesthesia.

Most of the risks and complications of VASER are similar to those of liposuction. However, there is a purportedly higher risk of skin necrosis or skin damage especially if superficial VASER is done. Skilled surgeons know how to avoid this.

What are the realistic expectations after Liposuction?

Liposuction is not a treatment for obesity, nor a substitute for proper diet and exercise. It is not an effective treatment for cellulite. Liposuction can, however, permanently reshape body contours where excess fat deposits create areas that are disproportionately large as compared to an otherwise balanced figure.

Liposuction - Before and Afters Results

* Disclaimer: Results May Differ From Person to Person. No individual result should be seen as typical

Liposuction Video Testimonials

Liposuction of Forehead Lump

Liposuction Testimonial

Video Blog on selecting the right procedure for body contouring

Ready to Start Your Journey? Schedule a Consultation

Start here, by making an appointment with Dr. Ashish

Dr. Ashish Davalbhakta (Chief Aesthetics Plastic Surgeon) is available from Mon- Sat for a virtual video consultation or an in-clinic consultation.

If  you have an emergency you can call the clinic at any one of these phone numbers: 96079389249607938925, 9607938922

Dr. Ashish Davalbhakta

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