Cosmetic surgery and wellness treatments

Keloid Management, Skin Tags, Warts, Comedones, And Moles

Advanced Aesthetics

Scars and Keloid Removal


Advanced Aesthetics offers various effective and safe treatments for keloid management, skin tags, warts, comedones, and moles to enhance your appearance and relieve you from discomfort.

skin tag removal

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Our appearance matters a lot as it affects our personality. When we look good, ultimately we feel good as it boosts our self-confidence and self-esteem; however, some issues like keloids, skin tags, warts, comedones, and moles can affect us when they interfere with our looks or cause discomfort due to skin irritation. To get rid of these skin concerns and feel more confident in your own skin,  Advanced Aesthetics offers various highly efficient and safe treatments that give effective results.


What Is Keloid?

Whenever the skin is harmed or injured, this injury creates fibrous tissues called scar tissues all over the wound to repair the wound and to protect the skin. These scars tissues become smooth and less noticeable as time passes; however, in some cases, they extend beyond the area of injury and continue to grow. These scar tissues are large, dark in color, and are known as keloids.  

People generally want to get treatment for keloids for cosmetic reasons; however, some people may also feel discomfort, stretchiness, irritation due to these scars (though these scars do not harm the health in any way).

Treatments for Keloid:

Laser Therapy: At Advanced Aesthetics, laser treatment is used to remove keloids. During treatment, the keloid resurfaces on the upper layer of the skin and then is flatten completely with the help of a laser. It is observed that the laser treatment also helps to fade the color of keloids.  

Keloid scarring, produced by the body to heal and repair itself, is tricky to treat and there is a chance that keloids may return even after successful treatment.

Pressure Therapy: Pressure therapy is given after the surgical removal of the keloid to prevent it from returning. As the pressure applied on the scar surface helps to reduce the blood flow. During the treatment, the doctor will place a pressure garment over a scar and apply the appropriate amount of pressure on the scar surface. To achieve better results, the doctor might suggest several sessions of pressure therapy.

Intralesional Steroid Injection: Intralesional steroid injection treatment is given to shrink the scar. The medicine in the injection is effective in reducing the size and appearance of the keloid. During the treatment, the doctor will clean the site of injection and inject the intralesional steroid directly into the skin lesion with the help of a fine needle. The doctor will suggest several sessions, as this treatment needs to be repeated every 4 – 7 weeks for a few months.

The risks associated with this treatment are very rare, but some people might experience pain, bleeding, or bruising at the site of the injection. Aesthetic medispa offers all these highly effective treatments for keloid management. As one of the treatments given above will be decided by the doctor according to the patient’s needs and requirements.

Skin Tags:

What Are Skin Tags?

A skin tag is a piece of soft skin or benign skin growth hanging from the surface of the skin tissue called a stalk. These skin tags are usually made up of fat, collagen fibers, small blood vessels, etc., and tend to form within skin folds or where skin rubs against skin or clothing.

Causes And Treatment For Skin Tags:

The causes of skin tags are not clear and there are no proven preventive measures available yet but studies have shown that the risk of occurring skin tags is higher with people who are obese, have serious medical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, etc. and due to hormonal changes happening in the body, pregnant women may have to deal with the occurrence of skin tags.  

Skin tags are not harmful and do not possess any kind of risk but in some cases, when rubbed against clothes, jewelry, or other such things it can be quite painful. For people who want to remove skin tags to improve their physical appearance or find it bothersome or painful have several options available.  

Skin tag removal is achieved through electrocautery at Advanced Aesthetic. In this procedure, the doctor uses an electric device or needle to burn off the skin tag. The treatment causes minimal pain and after the treatment, scarring may occur which will fade over time. Do follow the doctor’s instructions and guidelines for a speedy recovery. 


What Are Warts?

Warts are skin growths with raised and rough surfaces. These warts are skin cells infected with human papillomavirus (HPV) which causes them to grow faster than other skin cells. HPV is a common virus with more than 150 types and according to these types, warts are distinguished. Some forms of HPV are transmittable through skin contact, some through sexual contact, some through shared objects, etc. however, not everyone is at risk of developing warts after coming in contact with HPV as every person’s immune system responds differently to the same.

Treatment For Warts:

You can try several home remedies or topical treatments to treat common warts. But if the problem persists and starts bleeding, paining, and spreading to other parts of the body, then you need to consider getting professional help. 

At Advanced Aesthetics, warts are effectively treated with the procedure called cautery. The doctor uses local anesthesia and dries the wart with an electrical needle and scrapes it away. This treatment is effective and is usually recommended when no other treatments work. Scarring is a side effect of this treatment and it is advised to avoid this treatment to treat warts on the soles of the feet. 


Comedones And Types Of Comedones:

Comedones are small, flesh-colored acne papules that appear usually on the forehead, chin, and make the skin appear rough and bumpy. This comedonal acne is different from common inflamed acne as instead of pimples, comedonal acne consists of blackheads and whiteheads.  

These papules called comedones are common, especially in teenagers, and are caused when dead skin cells are trapped within the pores due to excess sebum production. 

There are several types of comedonal acne. Whiteheads are closed comedones, blackheads are open comedones and along with these two main types, comedonal acne is also distinguished based on its size.


If topical treatments, medications, and other primary treatments do not work, then you might want to consider surgical treatments for persistent comedones. 

Comedone Extraction: The comedone extraction is a treatment that is done to physically remove the acne blockages with the help of force. This is usually done to remove the non-inflamed acne. This treatment is effective to improve the skin that is affected by acne. During the treatment, the doctor will use a tool called a comedone extractor. He will clean the area of the pore and put gentle pressure around it with the help of the comedone extractor and remove the comedone from the skin.

The risks that are associated with this treatment are rare, as they are conducted by highly trained doctors of Advanced Aesthetics. But some people might experience scarring, pain, or discomfort.

Salicylic Acid Peels: Salicylic acid peel is effective in reducing skin care concerns as it can deeply exfoliate the layers of the skin. Salicylic acid tends to unclog the dead skin cells and decrease the amount of acne-causing built-up oils, so it is good for people who suffer from comedones.

During the salicylic acid peel treatment, the doctor will clean and prepare the skin. Salicylic acid will be applied to the skin in several coats. Then it will be left for 3-5 minutes. After this, the solution will be removed with water or a gentle cleanser. After cleaning the skin, the moisturizer will be applied.

There is a short recovery time for this treatment, so patients can return to their daily routine in just a few days. The doctor will also suggest several sessions according to your skin’s need. The doctor will tell you to not wear any makeup for 2 days as some patients might experience mild redness and irritation after the treatment. 


What Are Moles?

Moles are the most common skin growths that look like small, dark brown spots. Most people have moles on their body and they are harmless. Some people may have moles since their birth whereas some might develop them later in their lives. However, some moles which change their size and appearance over time need to be examined as those could be warning signs for skin cancer. But other than that, most people want to get rid of moles because of aesthetic reasons. 

Treatment For Moles:

When the mole has a deep base, the doctor will recommend surgical excision as it is the best and effective way to get rid of moles. At Advanced Aesthetics, during this treatment, the doctor will numb the target area and cut out the whole area with the help of a scalpel and then close the wound in a single line with stitches.

After the procedure, the doctor might suggest a follow-up and also will instruct you on how to take care of the wound. He will ask you to:

  • Keep the wound dry for a certain amount of time.
  • Keep the wound clean.
  • Avoid exposure to sunlight.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothes.  

As the recovery time depends on the individual, some people heal faster than others. The wound after surgery will take at least 2 to 3 weeks to heal. 

The doctors at Advanced Aesthetics will choose the procedures above according to the patient’s needs and requirements. These procedures are highly effective and safe as the utmost goal of the procedures is to treat keloids, skin tags, warts, comedones, and moles and give patients relief from discomfort.

In case you have more questions regarding these procedures or if you are interested in it, then please book an appointment with Dr. Ashish Davalbhakta at Advanced Aesthetics and learn more one-on-one. 


Start here, by making an appointment with Dr. Ashish

Dr. Ashish Davalbhakta (Chief Aesthetics Plastic Surgeon) is available from Mon- Sat for a virtual video consultation or an in-clinic consultation.

If  you have an emergency you can call the clinic at any one of these phone numbers: 96079389249607938925, 9607938922

Dr. Ashish Davalbhakta
Your consultation includes:




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