Top Tips to Effectively Research Your Cosmetic Surgeon

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If you have been thinking about cosmetic surgery in India by best Cosmetic Surgeon, there are many places to start your research with. Not only are there hundreds of websites of the best cosmetic surgeons in the country, you can even get recommendations from online resources and forums. Apart from the Internet, you can also always get recommendations from your physician, your friends, relatives or colleagues.

But it all boils down to one thing: you should be able to trust your cosmetic surgeon.

Here are some tips to help you effectively research your surgeon.

  1. Where to begin?

You can visit the Indian Association of Aesthetic Surgeons to find members who are cosmetic and plastic surgery experts in India. Secondly, there are many newspapers having their online editions that enlist the best cosmetic surgeons in India in the health sections. You can also visit the ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) website for getting the information about top plastic and cosmetic surgeons in India.

  1. Should you consult your regular doctor as well?

It is a good idea to keep your regular physician in the loop as s/he can advise you if your existing medical conditions make you an unfavorable candidate for the surgery. That apart, the best cosmetic surgeon in India will also have a detailed consultation with you to ensure you are a suitable candidate for the surgery.

  1. Are online forums good places to get reviews about the best cosmetic surgeons in India?

Yes. There are many online forums reviewing the best cosmetic surgery experts in the country. Naturally, you need to take these reviews with a pinch of salt as many of these are fake or paid reviews. It is best to get word of mouth reviews and also meet the surgeon in person to assess his/her skill level. A good surgeon will not hesitate in showing before and after photos of cosmetic surgery s/he has performed and would also willingly answer all your queries and doubts patiently.

  1. What about brochures and magazines? Can these give information about the best cosmetic surgeons in India?

There are many self serving magazines but again it could be a bit difficult to distinguish between reality and biased opinions. As stated before, the IAAPS and ISAPS are good resources to determine the best cosmetic surgeons in the country.

  1. What about word of mouth referrals?

Naturally, these are the best since you will be able to get a firsthand report regarding a patient’s experience about a procedure. The word of mouth referrals and advice from friends is also very useful during the post operative phase as one can get practical tips from patients who have undergone similar procedures recently. Naturally, every case is different and the surgeon and your operative team are your best guides when it comes to receiving advice in such matters. You can also ask your surgeon, during your initial consultation, for referrals of past patients. However, many patients are rather sensitive about divulging such information and may not be willing to give out their contact details.

  1. What is the most important thing to remember when researching one’s cosmetic surgeon?

The key to getting the best out of any cosmetic procedure is to develop a good rapport with the surgeon. You should feel comfortable with him/her from the get-go and develop a trusting relationship with them.

  1. Finally, any advice for a patient seeking a complex procedure?

The best way to seek information about any procedure is through consultation, even if it is a paid one. For complex procedures, some patients might even need multiple consultations.

Dr. Ashish Davalbhakta is a consultant plastic, cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon at Aesthetics Medispa, Pune India.

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